Robla School District

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Hydration Stations

In 2015, Robla School District partnered with the United Way's Young Leader Society to install hydration stations in every school throughout the district and distribute more than 2,500 reusable water bottles to students and staff.
The Health Education Council also provided in-class Rethink Your Drink healthy beverage education in each classroom in the district to educate students about the importance of drinking water over sugary beverages.
For more information, check out the Hydration Station Initiative.
The Maintenance Department has installed the second round of hydration stations at each school site.  Each site has one hydration station located in each school cafeteria, and now we have one hydration stations installed at exterior locations.  
Student Useage
Everybody should drink plenty of water on a daily basis.  Here are the results from each school on how many bottles they have filled up since we installed the Hydration Stations in each cafeteria on January 2, 2016.
Bell Avenue 13349
Glenwood 11305
Main Avenue  21217
Robla Elementary 13873
Taylor Street