Robla School District

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Gifted and Talented Education (G.A.T.E.)

G.A.T.E. is the acronym for Gifted and Talented Education. Though many think G.A.T.E. classes are just for students with high I.Q.’s, The definition of G.A.T.E. is broader than that. Students who are gifted and talented in areas such as specific academic ability, leadership, visual and performing arts, and creativity are all considered G.A.T.E.  In the Robla school district we use a matrix to determine if a child is a candidate for our G.A.T.E. program.
Though historically underrepresented in Gifted and Talented educational programs, gifted and talented youth exist in all cultural and economic groups.  Research indicates the use of an universal screening can increase the number of low-income and minority students identified as gifted by up to 180%. Therefore, the Robla School District provides an universal screener, Naglieri Non-Verbal Ability Test, to all 2nd grade students. This assessment, along with additional measures, help us to not only identify Gifted and Talented students but students with emerging potential throughout our district.
       Quote:  'When appropriate identification protocols are employed along with programming models that
       cultivate potential, more students from historically underrepresented groups can be identified, resulting
       in a more equitable process and gifted enrollments more reflective of the national student population."
       (The National Association for Gifted Children: Key Considerations in Identifying and Supporting Gifted and
       Talented Learners, prepared by the NAGC 2018 Definition Task Force.) 
Watch the video below to learn how a G.A.T.E. student is identified.

Robla has two self-contained GATE classrooms housed at Taylor St. School. Our program begins with students entering 3rd grade and we have a 3/4 grade combination class and a 5/6 grade combination class. Students are provided differentiated instruction in these classrooms meant to meet their academic needs and push them to work at their full potential.

                                                               What is Giftedness?


The National Association for Gifted Children supports the following definition for Giftedness:

Students with gifts and talents perform - or have the capability to perform - at higher levels compared to others of the same age, experience, and environment in one or more domains. They require modification(s) to their educational experience(s) to learn and realize their potential. Student with gifts and talents:

      • Come from all racial, ethnic, and cultural populations, as well as all economic strata.

      • Require sufficient access to appropriate learning opportunities to realize their potential. 

      • Can have learning and processing disorders that require specialized intervention and accommodation.

      • Need support and guidance to develop socially and emotionally as well as in their areas of talent.

      • Require varied services based on their changing needs.




6th Grade G.A.T.E. students put on a performance for their classmates and teachers - May 2023
Schoolhouse Rock, Conjunction Junction:
Students performing School house rock
Schoolhouse Rock, I'm Just a Bill:
GATE students performing I am a bill for their classmates and teachers