District Logo
The Robla School District (RSD) name, brand and logo are protected by standard trademark laws that prohibit individuals from using our name and logo without permission, unless the use falls within the boundaries of fair use.
District Flyer Approval & Distribution
The Robla School District collaborates with community groups and organizations that sponsor activities of an educational/enrichment nature for students by distributing printed materials and/or electronically to families.
“The Robla School District neither endorses nor sponsors the organization or activity represented in this material. The district accepts no liability or responsibility for the program/activity.”
“El Distrito Escolar de Robla no respalda ni patrocina la organización o la actividad representada en este material. El distrito no asume ninguna responsabilidad por el programa/actividad.”
Public Records Act Requests
In accordance with the California Public Records Act, Robla School District is committed to transparency by providing access to public documents that are created and maintained by the district.
Please direct all Public Records Act Requests to Ramon Fajardo - [email protected]