Robla School District

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District Information » Student Enrollment » TK / Kindergarten

TK / Kindergarten

Transitional Kindergarten (TK)


With a balance of play and engaging instructional approaches, Robla’s Transitional Kindergarten is the first year of a two- year kindergarten  program that provides them with the first year of the social, emotional, and academic skills and learning they need to be successful in kindergarten.  This is a free program in Robla School District.


TK represents a true bridge between preschool and regular traditional Kindergarten.  Transitional Kindergarteners learn by doing, playing, talking, listening, and modeling others. Taught by a credentialed teacher with early childhood expertise, TK uses a unique, specialized curriculum that is based on the Common Core Kindergarten standards but is designed explicitly to support the social, emotional, physical, and academic needs of young 5 year-olds.


Eligibility: Your child can attend TK if they are 4 years old, and will turn 5 between before September 2, 2024-June 2, 2025. for the 2024-2025 school year. For the 2025-2026 school year, these children will attend kindergarten.


Our TK program is housed at Main Avenue School and Bell Avenue School, and is open to all children who live within Robla School District’s boundaries.  We plan to expand this program at all of our schools.


Schedule: Our TK schedule includes a 6 hour program, and has the same schedule as our kindergarten through third grade schedule.


Additional Services: Transportation, breakfast and lunch are provided to all students.  We are also offering an Extended Day program for our TK students.  This program will allow students to stay at school for activities and learning until approximately 6:00 in the evening. 



What your child will experience in TK: 


Arrival: Children choice time

Morning Opening:  Attendance, flag, calendar, weather, movement
English Language Arts: Whole and small group instruction including literature, introduction of themes, poetry, rhyming, letters, sounds, phonemic awareness
Math: Whole and small group instruction
Free Choice Time – child-initiated and teacher-directed projects/activities at learning centers; art, math, reading, writing, science, imaginative play, building, etc.
Lunch and Recess: on Kindergarten playground
Calming Activities: Yoga, read aloud, language development activities
P.E./Art/Technology: twice each week (with P.E., Art, and Tech teachers)
Gross Motor Development: movement

Science and Social Studies:  whole and small group instruction
Closing: Remembering our learning for the day, passing out papers, good-byes



Click here to register for TK.



Robla School District’s kindergarten program will not only boost your child’s academic achievement throughout their schooling, but also strengthen their social and emotional skills.


What your child will experience in kindergarten:

Our full-day kindergarten offers benefits to teachers and parents—teachers have more time to work with students, and parents have access to better learning and care for their children. Children come to kindergarten with many different skills and talents and at many different levels of readiness. For this reason, the kindergarten program will ease students into the school year at their own comfort level.


Eligibility: Available to Robla District children who turn 5 years old on or before September 1, 2024. 


  • 6 hour program that runs during school hours (approx. 8:15 a.m.-2:30 p.m.)
  • Thursdays are early-out
  • See bell schedule on school websites for specific times
Additional Services
Available free of charge to all Robla School District students:
  • Breakfast and lunch
  • Transportation to and from school
  • Before and after school programs
Click here to register for kindergarten
TK and Kindergarten Dual Language Immersion Programs at Glenwood Elementary

Children will learn to speak, read, and write in Spanish and English, and will learn cross-cultural attitudes and behaviors. Available at Glenwood Elementary School only; students do not need to live in Glenwood’s boundaries to participate. More information and to apply: here
Note: Families must still complete the school registration packet in addition to the DLI application.
2025-2026 SCHOOL YEAR


BORN AFTER 09/02/2021


9/2/20 - 9/1/21


9/2/19 - 9/1/20


9/2/18 - 9/01/19


9/2/17 - 9/1/18


9/2/16 - 9/1/17


9/2/15 - 9/1/16


9/2/14 - 9/1/15


9/2/13 - 9/1/14